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Fundamentals of Mechanical Integrity for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems
Virtual Offering July 31 – August 4, 2023- 2:00-4:00 PM Daily

Mechanical integrity (MI) is a significant part of the 14 elements included in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Process Safety Management (PSM) Program. This education program highlights the importance of Mechanical Integrity and how it relates to OSHA requirements. From pumps to vessels, this program will provide a comprehensive outline of compliance regarding Mechanical Integrity for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems.
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Certificate Course Offerings


  • Standards for Safe Design of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems

* Available in Spanish


  • Installation of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems

*Available in Spanish


  • Standard for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems

*Available in Spanish


  • American National Standard for Developing Operating Procedures for Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems 


  • List the equipment documentation and system component documentation required by IIAR 9.
  • Identify the locations where ammonia refrigeration equipment is permitted to be installed.
  • Summarize the minimum safety requirements applicable to all systems.
*Available in Spanish

Estimating Accidental Refrigerant Releases
  • Become familiar with the IIAR Guideline for Estimating Accidental Refrigerant Releases, including the accompanying Release Estimation Tool
  • Be able to apply that informative material as part of a comprehensive incident investigation that complies with complies with regulatory requirements.

Process Safety Management & Risk Management Program Guidelines

  • Establish and maintain a safe ammonia refrigeration facility
  • Reflects the experiences of industry leaders who have successfully developed both consolidated and individual PSM/RMP programs
  • Provides a template for end users to update or create PSM/RMP programs that comply with rules and regulations

Planning and Performing an Effective PHA (Process Hazard Analysis) Program

  • PHA Fundamentals
  • Planning the PHA
  • Performing and Documenting the PHA

Ammonia Refrigeration Management (ARM) Program

  • Ammonia Refrigeration Management for Facilities Not Covered by PSM or RMP (typically an ammonia charge <10,000 lbs)

Knowledge. Connection. Innovation
IIAR brings together the world of natural refrigerants to exchange best practices, learn about the latest regulatory developments, and network with like minded professional from across the globe.


Institutional Discounts are based on total participants per calendar year per company.
5-10 registrants = 10% Discount
11-20 registrants = 15% Discount
20+ registrants = 20% Discount 

Training Videos from IIAR Now Available Online!

IIAR training videos have long been a primary source of education materials for schools, end-users, contractors, engineers, manufacturers and others serving the ammonia refrigeration industry. These video series cover a broad range of topics ranging from basic ammonia refrigeration systems and components to oil removal, ammonia safety procedures and emergency preparedness. The education programs come complete with computerized testing to document employee training.

Video training is now more accessible to the industry through the new IIAR Learning Management System platform. The complete IIAR video series is now available online 24/7, when you need it. IIAR videos and testing can be obtained through a license subscription program providing access to training institutions, end-users and others working in the ammonia refrigeration industry any-time and any-where.

Video License Advantage & Features:

  • End-User multiple facility access for all employee training
  • Institutional access for multiple students and locations
  • Institutional admin rights - one contact from an organization can assign seats and review student records
  • Maintain student records through IIAR Learning Management System
  • Qualified for continuing education credits
  • Online Access 24/7 to match employee and student training schedules 
Series I Basic Ammonia Refrigeration Training ProgramAvailable in Spanish

The IIAR Basic Ammonia Refrigeration training program is a complete package of online instructional Videos and Tests to document employee training. Each module takes a step-by-step approach to fundamental ammonia refrigeration principles, applications, and components. These videos are designed to be used by companies for in-house training.

Series II - The IIAR Ammonia Refrigeration Safety Training Program
Each module focuses on critical safety information including the potential hazards of ammonia, personal protective equipment, emergency response team structure and emergency response procedures. Employee safety and efficient operation of your ammonia refrigeration system are fundamental to your company’s success. The IIAR Ammonia Refrigeration Safety Training Videos are excellent teaching tools for facility management, operations and maintenance personnel and any other employee who is expected to manage an emergency response or perform specific duties in the event of an ammonia release.

Series III - Removing Oil from an Ammonia Refrigeration System - Available in Spanish

This training program instructs system operators in the most important maintenance procedure routinely performed – the safe draining of oil since this process is also the most common, it is imperative that system operators are properly trained with up to date oil draining guidelines.

All online videos include online exams to document successful completion of each course module. Student hours of completion are recorded by IIAR on the Learning Management System (LMS) with Personal Development Hours (PDH) certificates provided upon completion of the project.

Learn More Here
Our Commitment to Education

IIAR is committed to developing educational programs that highlight the most up-to-date information for the ammonia and natural refrigeration community.

Our certificate programs help refrigeration professionals develop their skills and further their careers by offering specialized training that sets them apart from their peers.

Certificate holders may use proof of their status to help consumers, employers, government agencies and others who rely on a skilled workforce, identify qualified contractors and workers.

With a focus on the practical knowledge that you can use immediately at work, ANR certificate courses also enable you to earn professional development hours without the cost and time involved in on-site programs. IIAR members benefit from special pricing for these programs.

Courses are taught through lectures, related resources and quizzes.
  • View the lectures, review the relevant materials, and pass the course quizzes.
  • Obtain a certificate of completion that documents your achievement and proficiency in the course material.
  • Claim Professional Development Hours.